
Wild fires in Alaska and Europe. Record breaking temperatures in the UK. Large waves destroying a wedding in Hawaii. NYC subways flooding. “Humanity is facing a collective suicide over the climate crises” warns the UN chief.

So much magical thinking: Climate varies. It can’t be as bad as they say. Bill Gates will fix it. There is nothing we can do. Democratic processes will solve the problem. Capitalism and Wall Street will solve the problem. I am OK, I like the heat.

We are dancing on the deck of the Titanic. Some of us know it is sinking. Others are pretending the party is still happening. Covid showed that people don’t care about “others” and our addiction to capitalism has made us incapable of imagining a better world and addressing the problem we face. The dinosaurs didn’t know any better. We thought we were better, smarter, cleverer and that there was no limit to what humanity could achieve. But we are our own worst enemy.